Sunday, 23 August 2009

Smoke Weed...

Crowd Control are a band that you should all be listening to, combining the driving riffs of crust with the intensity of Ringworm. They are the heaviest thing to come out of Ireland since Paul Mcgrath...

For the uninitiated describe the musical intent of Crowd Control ?

To play hardcore punk that stands out a bit, and have our songs be about something different to being vaguely pissed off at the world, or how epic life is.

How did Crowd Control come about ?

Emmett and I got together with our friend Corm to a heavy and mean sounding hardcore band. After some dicking around, a shitty demo and a few line up changes we have the band of dickheads you see before you today.

What are your views on the current, for want of a better word, trend of bands to go for a darker more "cleveland" themed sound ?
I personally see it as a positive thing to a certain extent but do you see it as a good thing ?

While I love Integrity and Ringworm, I'm far from an expert on the Clevo style. But any band I've seen this tag applied to has usually been at least decent, and Rot In Hell are definitely one of my favorite current bands.

Do you see yourself fitting in with these type of bands ?

I suppose. We're not a million miles apart musically, I don't think we have that sound really, but we certainly fit in a lot better with them than Have Heart, or other modern bullshit "epic" bands like that.

What happened with the split with Mob Rules, correct me if iam wrong but i haven't seen a copy of it yet ? Is it just me or has there been a delay with it being released ?

There were many, many delays, but it is actually out now. You can grab a copy from us or Mob Rules themselves.

Has the band gone in the direction you saw it going at its beginning ?

Its hard to say. When we first started, I thought that we'd sound like Neanderthal, and we ended up sounding completely different. I also thought that it'd be a hard band to keep together and organize tours for, but so far its been smooth enough.

Do you see CC evolving as time goes on ?

Musically I think we have room to mess around a little bit. The songs we've been writing recently are a little less simple which I'm definitely happy about. I'd also like to bring some new styles into our mixture. Right now i'm trying to bring Death Side, old smelly Death Metal, and the d-beat into the mix.

What plans/direction do you see CC taking in the future ?

We all love touring, so we'll definitely try and do more of that. We've tossed around the idea of a south east asia/Japan tour, as well as trying to find an american band to do a split and tour swap with but we'll see what happens. I think we're going to try and do an LP after we come back from the UK, but we're all broke and I don't really see anyone jumping at the chance to press it for us, but you never know.

Whats your views on the current state of hardcore in ireland and the UK ?

This is the question that will get me beaten up. First i'll try and talk about the positives. The UK seems like it has two different hardcore scenes. One that rules with bands like Deal With It, Mob Rules, Rot In Hell, Nowhere Fast, Shitty Limits, Cold Ones, Human Race (RIP), and loads more in fact. Then there's this shitty one that seems more popular with a load of generic shite. We played with Integrity at this all dayer in Colchester and Integ had maybe a third of the audience as Get Fucking Dead. What the absolute fuck. But we try and stay away from that and thankfully due to the kindness of people like NGHC, we usually play with bands who are much better than us.

Ireland has it a bit better I think, but there's definitely still problems. Everyones friends with everybody, but the amount of shit talked is unreal, so there's a massive contradiction there. As a result I don't really fit in socially as I cant identify with most of the people around me. People will probably "call me out" for saying this at a "show", but it's extremely American-centric. Whilst I have respect for the amount of hard work people put into getting bands to play here, it's usually some flavor of the month band with a gigantic guarantee. I wish people would realize that there are so many fantastic bands in the UK and europe who are just as good if not better that aren't going to fuck you financially. Pesonally most bands here aren't to my tastes but most bands are great at what thery're doing and worth checking out if you're into the style.

what problems do you see in todays society ?

There's nothing but problems, and I don't think it's exclusive to modern society. The human animal is driven by self preservation and as such is an inherently evil being. The problems we have will never go away. Read "The Lucifer Principle" by Howard Bloom.

What do you think of when you read these words -

Joe Blackburn
Sloth A sloth.
Wrath The new Mammoth Grinder LP.
Lust My hard cock.
Avocado Booking.
Envy The hardcore scene.
Pride Madball.

What bands sounds have shaped your view's on hardcore ?

1) Black Flag
2) Citizens Arrest
3) Infest

These bands represnt hardcore to me. Angry, defiant, and fucking weirdos. That's what its about.

What would be your ideal 3 bands for CC to play with ? And at what place in time would you play ?

The three bands from the last question, and we'd play on easter island while aliens carve the big nosed dudes.

What is your favourite show that CC have played ?

Definitely the NGHC all dayer last year. There was tons of people there and Tom and Caroline NGHC are what all promoters should aspire to be. Totally organised and sound as fuck. Every band that played that day was incredible and I think it was the most people that have ever watched us.

Famous last words ?

Listen to Nazi Dust. If you want to rumble at Street Fighter IV or King of Fighters XII message the myspace for the gamertag.
Thanks Billy.

Crowd Control can be heard at

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